Keyword Research


Keyword Research Reporting



Keyword Research can help guide your way, finding the easiest path towards the goals for your business.

  • Complete list of relevant terms based on 10 highest rated competitors and your base site.
  • Removal of duplicates
  • Clustering of keywords into categories relevant to your website
  • Great for niche research, client research, content marketing, and link building.
  • Search statistics for each, including expected searches per month, expected visits per month, cost if using a PPC campaign,  and a difficulty indicator.

List will take 14 business days to produce, as it’s comprehensive and some work will go into it and also data programs will take processing time.

I don’t offer this as a stand alone product any longer, it must be included with a reporting package. You can purchase the reporting alone if you already have a keyword list that you are interested in following and tracking.