WordPress Lazy Load

WordPress Lazy Load

I’m feeling really behind with information here. It is true… WordPress 5.4 will automatically lazy load images, so you no longer need to install 3rd party options to ensure that images are loading properly. This does not remove the fact that images are...
Optimize for Money

Optimize for Money

Content is less valuable than ever before as Google makes visiting websites to find the answer less needed. Zero click searches are becoming the normal, this trend is changing the nature of search. It’s quite common now for searcher’s to never leave the...
Death of Backlinks

Death of Backlinks

Jordon Koene of the Voices of Search podcast told about his predictions for 2020 and all of them were like meah, yeah whatever for me except this one. I agree with this one so much. The value of backlinks is going down.  I believe it has for a long time in my opinion....
Optimize for Money

October Podcast Update

I listen to many different podcasts and read a lot. The Edge of the Web, Voices of Search, SEO with Mrs. Ghost… are the most preminent podcasts I guess. I listen every few days though and I write notes and pull details that I believe are important to recognize....